When I was little You said to me "You can be anything You want to be" I wanted to be An Indian chief "Yes", you said To my relief Then I decided To be a spy "Better than Sherlock" Was your reply When I wanted To be a movie star You said to me "You will go far" Then I wanted To be a writer "You can", you said "'Cause you're a fighter" You encouraged me To be my best When it was time To leave the nest The times I said "Mom, my life's a mess!" "No", you said "You're a success" I've tried many things Through out my life I had a career And now I'm a wife I'm all grown up With tots of my own You're there for me Whenever I phone The thing I wanted The most to be... Was to be a mom Like you were to me But now I know I can't be the BEST 'Cuz you're the one Who aced that test So thanks Mom For believing in me You gave me courage And set me free You taught me well As you can see That I can be happy Just being me Constance Incrocci
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