Visitors around the world stopped in to write a note.
Some notes inspired us to continue the creative work while
other notes motivated us to increase certain web site content.
In the end we hope to create an inspirational site where
visitors can surf this site smiling from "ear to ear"
Please fill out our survey form and see our awards.
Have u ever thought that u r the voice of so many people? Thank u for being the voice of mine! - Rain Lady.
My brother is going through a real rough time right now. I have been making him a little book of inspirational and motivational quotes and poems. This website has been one of the most inspiring for me and I am sure my brother will agree. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful poems and quotations!!
this site is amazing. the collection of poetry and quotations really inspire me. everywhere you look on this site there is something else you haven't seen before. every part of it has meaning. i love poetry and this site holds some of the most thoughtful and beautiful pieces i have read. thank you angelwing, this site is lovely, keep it going.
When I first came across your site, I was like this looks interesting, I should check it out. Well I did look at it and I must say you have put together an amazing and inspiring website. The quotes and poems helped me focus on the things that really matter in life. When I experienced a breakup looking through your quotes and poems and jokes helped to make me feel better about myself, brighten my day, and recover from my pain. I have recommended your site to some of my friends who also agree with me that your site is amazing and inspiring and helpful. Keep up the good work.
Awesome site. Quotations help me stay focused on what's important in life.
These are great people with a great site giving the truly gifted a chance to shine without trying to scam them by taking their money by using their poetry. Thank you all for giving me a chance to express myself and featuring my poem in March.
"Hi! Ur website is fabulous....I went thru all the links in ur website n each one of them has its own beauty...Each one is better than the other...I think that the idea of having this site was conceived by a Cancerian...or a Scorpion...or a Piscean...It tickles all the senses and has an originalty of its own...Id love to join ur team but Im just 18..Well, I could go on n on about ur site...Keep the good work goin..all u wonderful people out there..." - Laila Hirani
You're right! The site was conceived by a Cancerian who loves to inspire others in her own creative way. Thank you for your comments - Angelwing
Your site is great! It just goes to show that the internet isn't just perverts and freaks. It's also got a lot of real people out there! - USA
The illustration for my poem is simpy fantastic! I send you my gratitude for all the work you do in creating this website, and also for allowing me to participate. Please continue with the marvelous work.- USA
I thought I'd heard them all , but your jokes are new and refreshing!- USA
This site is the best poetry site i've seen. Also, it is the ONLY site that i could find with something worth reading about numerology, which is ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE. I have different numerology books that i study out of and this site had perfect accuracy, and a little more than what my books have. The quote section is AWESOME! Great work, Angelwing! P.S. I have a smile on my face. - USA
This page inspired me. Being young is very rough these days. This site kinda set me aside from everything else and made me think about my life. I enjoyed the poetry. - USA
This is a wonderful page! I love the poems, and the jokes are extremly funny. I hope to see more this page in the future! - USA
You have such a wide variety of subjects. I also like how easy it is to navagate around your site. Good Job! - USA
the site is interesting and the material is both inspirational and an eye opener. However, i find it a little too conservative. But hey...maybe thats the only way good quality poetry can be written ?? i dont know. But it is just a little intimidating to amateur poets like myself who simply want to express our feelings openly and frankly. - Australia
I just wanted to thank you! This website is very beautiful and as someone younger I feel it's a very positive force. I appreciate seeing all of these works. Perhaps it will help me in my writing. - USA
I found the poetry in this site exceptionally touching and very rewarding to read! It is one of the few sites that has many kinds of poetry and that is nice to see... keep up the good work! - Canada
A dear friend I've never met sent me here. Someday i hope I can return as precious a gift to her.- USA
I have been coming to your website for a couple of years and it is always inspiring. Thanks for the hard work that is so obvious. - USA
I loved the quotations on this site - the best. - Australia
As a poet i appreciate comments from others and it means a great deal for my inspirations too. This site has fulfilled my dream. It is a pleasure for me both to read and to write.
Please continue the good positive attitude. It is simply wonderful to know that there are so many people who care about poetry and interested in the abstract rather than the mundane.
Keep up the good work - Denmark
I've visited the site many times and have 3 poems illustrated from your contests. I simply love the site. Keep up the wonderful work!!! - USA
Inspirational. Looking quickly for Robert Frost poems, and stumbled onto this site, and to be corny "And that has made all the difference" A wonderful page, well done. - Australia
This site is very inspirational, original and thought provoking. There is so much to read and discover. I love it and i think it would be even better if there was a chat forum to discuss poetry and other fascinating topics like books, stories etc. There is a lot of sites about poetry but this is by far the best one yet!- Canada
"As always you render my poetry with such true grace
I haven't found any web page that I enjoyed as much as I have this one. I've told alot of my friends and people that I work with about it also. This has got to be one of my top 5 favorite web sites. Thanks for being so great!!! - USA
Its hard for me to comprehend that such beauty is available (poetry) for us on a free website. I love the site and will be back again and again. - USA
This is a very sweet website. Pulls at your heart strings and gets you smiling when so many other sites are trying to be too "deep". My friend is one of your most recent Honorable Mention winners and he sent me the link to his upcoming page on your site. He's very excited to be published in a Web Site other than his own. I was disappointed, however, that he wasn't a Winner's Circle choice...he's ~VERY~ talented and deserves the limelight, and I truly am not biased. - USA
I loved Haughian's words in her poetry and found this site enchanting. Keep up the beautiful work- Canada
We need more places to let our mind run free and express ourselves the only way we know how. - USA
The website is lovely.I wish I could contribute....Anyway keep up the good work!!!- Asia
Your web page is absolutely great! I was amazed at how well structured and orderly it was; not to mention how funny it was! I'm definitely telling friends about this page, and it will surely stay on my favorite places list.- USA
Your site is so peaceful and refreshing. It is the best site for poetry by far. Keep up the good work.- USA
I've found your website to be quite refreshing. Plus, i've had a poem that i entered in your contests win honorable mention. It's exciting to have something "published" on the internet. Keep up the great work.- USA
Wonderfully refreshing website..which helped to soothe the wrinkles from my spirit. Keep it up!- USA
I really love this site there is something here for everyone, I didn't find anything that I don't like. Keep up the great work, I will return. Pauline - Canada
I absolutely love your website. It brought me much inspiration!!! I love your graphics too, they are very cute!!!! Well, anyways...it was a great, great website! Keep up the good work!! I will be back to visit again!! HAVE A HAPPY DAY!- USA
I love your site!!!! I'm really into quotes and poems and it was great to find a site that has a lot of both. Keep up the good work!- USA
Your poetry contest is a beautiful idea for all poets around. It's an honor to see a web page designed to match
the beauty of the poet's words. Thank you for providing this opportunity to all who strive to express themselves.- USA
though I've crossed oceans of time to find this place of beauty
called Angelwing...I now continue anew refreshed as the day I first began...thank you..keep soaring.
I love what you have done with your webpage! When I or someone I know is
feeling down I come here and the positivness found in here is just awesome.
I also have a quote for you that my coach once told me through my hard times...
"The Lord knows your breaking point. Any bruising and crushing and melting
processes are ment to reshape you, not ruin you. Your value increases the
longer He lingers over you." I remember these words everytime things get tough.
Keep bringing the smiles to the world!- USA
This site is a great resource to check out and feel a wealth of talented writers out there. It seems like a great place for aspiring and established poets to be even further inspired.
"There is no way to properly understand where we are and where we are going, without looking at where we have been." Poetry and creative writing is one form of the arts that reveals the truths of where we have been. May we always nourish the arts in their rainbow forms!
- Canada
Whether you choose laughter or anger will not matter much -
except that the former will fill your present moments with happiness,
and the latter will waste them in misery. Very nice site indeed thank you... :-)
Finding this site is like suddenly waking in the middle of the
night to find that the sky is clear and the moon is rimmed with a
celestial halo with the stars blinking in the background.
More images please...it's so magical :.).. - USA
Congrats on developing a site that is truly technical,mind and eye pleasing
site. - Canada
Thank you for the positive feedback. It makes us smile.
We hope that you love our re-designed look of the web site.
If the words at this site, moved you, touched you or inspired you, then
our goal was accomplished.
"I hope that I have touched your life as you have touched mine. Thank you for making
SMILES4U part of your journey." - Angelwing
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