![]() A little red-haired girl was born, And all could see right from the start That she was someone set apart As a young child so full of life, Although there were some times of strife, She always managed to get through; This fact is known to quite a few. As years went by and she did grow to a young lady, she did show - That she was one who would go far Why, she even drove a car! This may not seem like such a feat Unless you know -let me repeat- It was back in the, "Olden days", When women were set in their ways. Not long after they, “Got the Vote”, And please forgive me if I note: ‘Twas when the world was “ruled by men”, But that did not stop our “little Jen”. She soon went on her way to teach And as she did she tried to reach - In rural villages here and there, The ones who needed love and care. She later started a new life When she became a loving wife, And settled on a country farm - Bringing it new life and charm. Hand in hand they made their way, And we all know to this day Her love for him will always be Most cherished in her memory. They raised a family of four, And always had an open door To all who came within the yard - Though there were times when it was hard. In many ways she was a leader - Church and school found they did need her To show the ways to get things done; She made it look like it was fun! And when her family was all grown, Remembering the life she’d known Brought her back again to teach; As more young lives she tried to reach. After he and she retired All who knew them soon admired The way that they were able to Fill their lives with things to do. The years slipped by so very fast, And now the time has come at last - A well-deserved time of rest; And so we wish her all the best. We hope she knows within her heart That she has always done her part, And helped in her own special way To bring about a better day. She paved the way for me and you, Now we must try to follow through And so without more hesitation We thank her for her dedication. Catherine M. Prostak
In loving memory of my mother -
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