'la Fee Verte' | |
![]() For a time I almost felt that if I touched you, like a puddle painting we might melt together and withdrawing a finger from your body you'd somehow cling to me like magnetic water or maybe I would just keep falling into you - into that devilish little grin you always used to wear, but I felt the lightest touch of heaven whenever I was just drowning in your stare And ever since our eyes first saw each other it seemed they confessed far more than we intended - it was at once slightly scary and wholly exhilirating, like dreams and truths, only half imagined and when thoughts lay overlapped in unspoken dreams you were like perfection to an imperfect soul and I could see the beauty in your dissonance - a riot of color in a dreary grey world And I remember those tragic, beautiful eyes of your's when words turned to dreams and slipped cat-quick into nightmares, when in a subtle instant all of the world melted away, and you seemed all of my dreams, and all of hoping's very fears and with a peacefulness like fireflies on a cloudless night the air always shimmered with magic and perfection, and I always wished to God I could have held onto the moon so that those stolen nights could never have ended But somehow you were suddenly torn from me with a bitter taste in my mouth of ashes and absinthe and I was left still wondering if you were only a dream and trying to find a way to erode away your abscence but I found myself fiending for your prescence and I came to realize how much like a drug you'd become to me and I kept trying to find a way to find a way to either bring you back, or erase me from our memories And sometimes I'd awaken and feel you there like a sunrise, drenched in utter silence lying there in such exquisite, beautiful peace and all of your weight just draped across my chest lost in a breath of night, dreaming each other's dreams like two threads of smoke swirling into oblivion - but then in all of a sudden, subtle instant I'd shake the dreams from my eyes, and you'd be gone again... And you always seemed to haunt me with dreams of candlelight and incense and the smell of your skin, all of the things we said we'd do and all the things that might have, could have been and as the candle's light played it's shadows on the walls sometimes I can almost feel you here with me and captured in my mind's eye like a dragonfly in amber, I can still see the way your eyes used to look at me And cold months dangled on the landscape until finally on a moonless night you stood before me, your eyes so beautiful in their hidden sadness and your every touch becoming my every dream but just like always, you were torn from me again because everything I am was never everything you'd need and like smoke thru my fingertips, like ashes in the wind you're always fragrant burning embers falling away from me And now candlelight is fading, daylight is breaking, and reality keeps crashing back in with it's 'fuck you' smile and I know that you're gone now, but I couldn't help feeling like I died just a little bit each day, for awhile when darkness spread it's wings and fell around me with the feeling of something so heavily tainted and the stars breathed their twilight dreams laced with images of a love still unrequited
:: Andrew Miller