The Black Knight
The Black Knight
So brave so strong
Runs to the tower
Of sins, of wrongs.
Where he, only he
Will brave the dragon of fire
On his stallion to bright
He never doth tire
Fighting, not fleeing
To save his lady up high
In the tower, the tower
Before she doth die
His strength so great
He carries such a sword
With powers so great
It makes cowards from lords
The stairs to the tower
Are higher than the sky
But up, he knows
Is the way he must fly.
Once to the top
His smile doth gleam
But it fades away
As she quietly screams
The dragon hath captured
The maiden so fair
He slew him in a single hit
And returned down the stairs
Mounted the stallion
Took off like the wind
To a far away place
Her sorrow he mends
No longer will she cry
No longer will she fear
No longer will she scream
No longer will she tear
For she has found love
In this man of the night
He will not imprison her
For she is a sight
So beautiful to withhold
The two stand alone
In a sunset so deep
It brings chills to the bone
But the sorcerer on high
How highly he thinks
Of his beauty, his power,
But to new lows he sinks
As he steals the maiden
Takes her away
To his castle, his hell
No light shone this day
Up on a hilltop
The Black Knight doth see
The castle of thorns
Where the maiden doth be
In her mind, she knows
The Knight so handsome
Will rescue her soul
Without paying the ransom
Take back what is wrong
Return what is right
Then go riding away
Deep into the night
And their hearts adjoin
Their souls become one
Their lives intertwine
Away they run
To the rivers of gold
The mountains of love
The trees of cotton
Each branch dons a dove
Together they share
A world unknown
To those filled with hate
Those who will moan
"Love is a lie
Love is untrue
Love can be deadly
Especially for you"
But these two know
How love actually strives
How to share it to hold it
To keep it alive
What it is and how it works
Is no mystery to the pair
So they will live on, love on
Without despair....