Be Thankful!

Last night as I was driving home, I was looking at the sky.
Sooooo beautiful! It almost made me feel like crying.

And then I thought:
Somewhere in this world
A little child - a homeless soul is dying.

What right do I have to be happy?
To behold sunset's glorious sight
When others have no vision;
Know not whether it is day or night?

What right do I have
To raise my arms in praise to God above?
When there are so many others who are abused
So starved for love?

What right do I have to go outside
And walk along the lake shimmering in God's sun
When there are so many who can't even walk
Let alone run

What right do I have to buy that extra pie
Or bigger piece of steak
When there are so many who go to bed hungry
And are still so hungry when they wake?

I am no different - no more special than another
Perhaps we are alike after all
Connected mystically
By the different ways we suffer!
:: Shirley O'Connor

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