poetry winner
Beautiful Evening

I値l do everything I can for you,
Anything you ask me to.

I値l be your umbrella in the rain,
Your shelter in a hurricane.
I値l be the blanket on your bed,
A happy thought inside your head.
I値l dance in circles
If it値l make you smile,
Laughing and grinning all the while.
I値l be the gold in our wedding band,
Proudly worn upon your hand.
I値l be the light deep in your soul.
I値l be the piece that makes you whole.
I値l be the color in your eyes,
The peals of laughter in surprise.
I値l be the wind that lifts your wings,
The voice that rises and makes you sing.
I値l be the tears in your eyes
And the lips to softly kiss them dry.

I値l do anything I can for you,
Everything you ask me to.

- Heather VanHoose

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