At almost midnight,a mother cries
For in 20 minutes her son will die
She did her best, she cries with such pain
For she now knows it was all in vain
All gone, the hopes and dreams, she had for her son
He murdered another, now his life too is done
At almost midnight another mother cries
For in just 10 minutes her son's killer dies
She thought she'd be happy, she'd heard revenge was sweet
But her soul feels so empty, filled with defeat
Her arms still hold no one, her child is long gone
As she sits weeping softly, forever alone
At almost midnight a young man cries
For in 5 more minutes, he knows he will die
He regrets that he killed him, full of anger that day
Resigned to his fate, closes his eyes to pray
His body strapped down, when the men enter the room
The room drips with the darkness of impending doom
At 1 after midnight a lone man cries
Cause he can't save these lost souls, no matter how he tries
He takes a long drink from the Jack Daniels by his side
His heart breaks once again, another man has died
It's only a job, what else can he say
Takes a drink, wipes his tears, faces another day
At 10 after midnight no one else cries
But so many lives are changed when someone dies
Each life touches many; whether good or bad
All souls joined together, happy, hopeless, or sad
We must love, give ourselves, shine on others our light
Hoping through us there might be no more tears at midnight.
Jo Ann Miller
c November 10, 1997
Jo's Sunbreak - Original Poetry of Jo Miller

Page and Graphics Design: ©1999 Andrew Miller