Poets and Poetry

Reading the poets
Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Jewel
and so many wonderful others
reading my own poetry
and realizing
we are the poets!

In our own small writing group
of just we two, Phyllis and I
read and quote John Lennon
Walt Whitman and Neruda
and my own poet friend James T. Romano
with his visions of
Jack Keroauc, e.e. cummings and others..
yes, so many endless poets
pondering life

It's a religion poetry
it explores and exposes
the soul
the solar system
and socialism

It questions gods and goddesses
dragons and demons
acknowledging addictions, obsession
and love
yes, sweet and bitter love
lost, and sadness felt and experienced
along with the very real constant emotions
happening to us all the time
...non stop poetry going on around the clock
around the globe!

Poets dare to go deep
shameless, with courage to feel
the torment and awesome joys
of life and death
reciting them aloud
putting them down in ink
for anyone in eternity to read
becoming vulnerable to the world

yes, we are the poets and life is our poetry!

-By Linda Ranieri Melodia